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With Valentine’s Day coming up, I’m the first to tell you to go ahead and order those store-bought valentines (I personally love these gliders and these stress balls with hug cards), but if you’re in the mood for a quick activity with your kids—20 minutes tops and zero glitter involvement—this one is the best of both worlds: ready-made friendship bracelets and an element of handmade craftiness. Did I mention the card design (made by yours truly!) is free? Here’s what else you’ll need:
The Supplies

- Card stock
- Our free downloadable card template (see below)
- Adjustable friendship bracelets
- Paper cutter
- Hole puncher
The Steps
Step 1: Download Our Free Printable Valentine
There are four cards per sheet; print as many as you need. You can use regular printer paper or card stock. I tried both and card stock just feels a little more special.
Step 2: Cut Out Each Valentine

With your supervision, help your child cut out each valentine with a paper cutter. Older kids can easily manage on their own, but with my then 3-year-old daughter, I positioned the paper as needed and she would slide the blade. This was her favorite part of the whole activity!
Step 3: Punch the Holes
Punch two holes, one on each side of the wrist, which you’ll use to thread the bracelet through. Again, I positioned the puncher for my kiddo and provided supervision as needed.
Step 4: Sign, Seal, Deliver
Tuck the ends of the friendship bracelets through the two holes and have your child sign their name on the cards (or do it for them). We won’t tell the teacher that the bracelets are store bought if you won’t!