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what to hand out on halloween — besides candy!
10 ideas that don’t include sugar!

confetti poppers
These whimsical treats are sure to inspire an evening of fun.

Brightly-colored school supplies are always a good idea. We love these!

toys and trinkets
Perhaps a bit more trick than treat, switch it up with one of these, in lieu of sweets!
– temporary tattoos – stickers – bubble bottles – mini magic kits – vampire fangs – glow-in-the-dark rubber balls

diy surprise balls
For a treat that can last well beyond the night, hand out these ultra cute surprise balls, with little treasures wrapped in lengthy streamers.

halloween bingo
Trick or treating just got a whole lot more fun with this appropriately-spooky take on a classic pastime.
haunted balloons
Using a sharpie or dark marker, recreate classic Halloween figures and characters on floating balloons!

vampire pumpkins
These may be more cute than frightful, but they’re still guaranteed to be a hit.

honey sticks
If a little sweetness is what you crave, opt for these natural ones instead.

glow-in-the-dark broomsticks
True to the spirit of the night, these clever glowsticks turned Halloween favors are pretty much a must!

These seasonal goodies are healthy, delicious, and best served with a thick layer of oozing caramel.