Madeline Rudin

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10 books you must read after college

10 books you must read after college

Whether you’re finished with school for now or forever, we’re assigning you with mandatory reading material for freshman year in the “real world.” Relax, there won’t be a pop quiz.

the top 10 movies to watch during a thanksgiving food coma

the top 10 movies to watch during a thanksgiving food coma

when your thanksgiving marathon meal has you feeling too stuffed to function, recover with one (or all) of our timeless favorites—because you’re too full to focus on an oscar contender.

Green Garden

what to grow in small gardens

From a country garden box to a city balcony, there’s no shortage of edible options to grow on your mini farm. Take a peek at a few of our small garden essentials that’ll have you going out to eat without even leaving your backyard.

tips for airbnb hosts

tips for airbnb hosts

For the seasoned airbnb virtuoso or the first-time user, satisfying a revolving door of renters can prove to be a tall order. We've got just what you need to earn those five-star reviews.

16 must read books for girls in their thirties

16 must read books for girls in their thirties

Timeless lessons in life, love, and happiness.